Willis Insurance and Risk Management is focused on understanding the risks to your business and providing advice on the best ways to protect your interests.

Credit Insurance for Northern Ireland companies

One of your largest assets is your balance sheet and bad debt could have a significant effect on your company’s financial health. Credit insurance is a cost effective way to alleviate this risk and provide some comfort as the economy recovers and companies begin to experience growth again.

We have the experience to give you an objective opinion on whether a credit insurance policy could work for you. If you were previously credit insured, now is a good time to revisit the product as Insurers try to grow their market share again having lost significant business during the downturn. Insurers are providing new products with enhanced cover, automatic credit limits and competitive pricing.

Benefits of credit insurance:

  • Peace of mind
  • Qualified information on existing and potential customers
  • Access to finance
  • Enhanced credit control
  • Targeted sales
  • Early warning system
  • Reduced bad debt reserving
  • Confidence to export
  • Fraud detection


To find out more about our Services please contact our team today on T. +44 (0) 28 9032 9042 or fill out the form below: